Are you Ready to Make a Difference?
Would you like a $2,000 stipend for receiving awesome training and becoming employed to work with individuals with disabilities in Salt Lake and Carbon County areas?
Would you like to be matched with an individual with disabilities who shares your similar interests?
Would you like to receive college credit for that work?
Are you available for an amazing all-day training conference at the University of Utah on April 20th, 2024 with presentations, activities, food, entertainment, and materials to get you started?
If so, you are in the right place!

We are Excited to Announce!
The Utah Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (UPWSA) working with Tanner Dance at the University of Utah, has received funding from DSPD
to recruit and train students or interns (anyone 18 or older that wants to help) and match them with DSPD families in need of respite workers.
Now you get to be part of this amazing pilot project! This program is taking place Spring 2024 and we are actively recruiting participants.
The Problem YOU Are Solving
Parents of those with disabilities struggle to find someone who can help them! They work 24 hours a day to care for their child and they are tired and worn down. Those with disabilities often want to get out in the community more with someone they view as a friend and peer, they want to have fun and learn new skills!
You can be the SPARK that gives hope, gives relief, and brings joy to the entire family!
Our Project
The 2023 Utah Legislature allocated funds for someone like us who has innovative ideas to locate interested students/interns/workers like you and match them with individuals on the DSPD waiver! You will provide respite and supported living services to the individual with disabilities on the DSPD waiver by learning new hobbies and skills with them and taking your new friend into the community. When you do this, the parents get a break and can go do some things they never would dream of doing such as go to a movie with their spouse for the first time in years, pursue a hobby, go for a hike, or just have fun!

How Do I Sign UP as an Intern?
Follow these 4 easy steps to register for the Paid Spring Internship!
Begin working with amazing people!
Based upon your preferences, you will be matched with an individual or individuals with disabilities to provide respite and supported living services. You will complete paperwork and be trained for the specific disability and then begin providing services. You can receive payment between $15.53 - $21.94 per hour, depending on the needs of the individual and their DSPD budget.
You will report your hours worked to this project, complete some exit surveys, and we will report back to the legislature that this project is a success!

Receive college credit if applicable!​
Stipend payment details...
Urban Interns:
Interns who will work in the Salt Lake County area selected for the program will receive the first $1,000 stipend upon completion of the side by side training and after participating in the April 20, 2024 conference. Interns will receive the second $1,000 after matching with at least one individual on the waiver, completing the hiring paperwork, including the background check, and providing at least five months of employment of at least 2 hours a week on average. We hope you will do much more! We also have additional funds set aside from the grant to help interns and individuals with disabilities travel within their communities to activities and get to work.
Rural Interns:
Interns who live and will work in Carbon County areas who are selected for the program will receive the first $1,000 stipend upon completion of the side by side training and after participating in the April 20, 2024 conference. Interns will receive the second $1,000 after matching with at least one individual on the waiver who lives in a rural area, completing the hiring paperwork, including the background check, and providing at least five months of employment of at least 2 hours a week on average. We hope you will do much more! If the intern lives in and becomes employed serving individuals with disabilities in a rural area, they will receive an additional $1000 stipend to offset travel expenses required to complete the training at the University of Utah. We also have additional funds set aside from the grant to help interns and individuals with disabilities travel within their communities to activities and get to work.
For further questions, email support@upwsa.org

The Problem We Are Solving
Parents of those with disabilities struggle to find someone who can help them! They work 24 hours a day to care for their child and they are tired and worn down. Those with disabilities often want to get out in the community more with someone they view as a friend and peer. They want to have fun and learn new skills!
Through a grant from DSPD, our nonprofit, working with the University of Utah, will provide to you Trained Intern workers that will be the SPARK that gives you hope, gives you relief, and brings joy to your entire family!
We Will Provide Trained Interns!
The Tanner Dance Program at the University of Utah will provide training in its beautiful new building for this pilot certification and matching program. Tanner Dance currently provides the LEADD and Elevate theater programs, offering a wide array of classes for those with intellectual disabilities, including dance, art, music, creative writing, service learning, hands-on-science, arts and crafts, and theater.
​Tanner Dance will host Side by Side training for your interns to learn from the LEADD program at the University of Utah, a program for adults with disabilities.
Your interns will attend an amazing conference on April 20th, 2024, with engaging informative presenters, where they will actively participate in active learning. They will come away with several exciting activities and techniques that will make their time with your child fun and productive.
Come join us all at Finding Nemo, Jr. on April 27, 2024, performed by the Tanner Elevate theater group, a cast of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Get your tickets online for the performances at the Rose Wagner Theater in Salt Lake City.

Attend training and fabulous events!
​The Tanner Dance Program at the University of Utah will provide training in its beautiful new building for this pilot certification and matching program. Tanner Dance currently has the LEADD and Elevate theater programs that provide classes for those with intellectual disabilities, including dance, art, music, creative writing, service learning, hands-on-science, arts and crafts, and theater.
Tanner Dance will host Side by Side training for you in the LEADD programs from April 15-18, 2024 with afternoon slots from 12:00-4:00 (you choose at least one of these days).
Attend an amazing mandatory conference from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on April 20th, 2024 with a keynote speaker, engaging presenters, delightful performances from the LEADD and Elevate programs, and tantalizing breakfast and lunch provided.
R​eceive two complimentary tickets to Elevate Theater’s production of Finding Nemo, Jr. on April 27, 2024 by a cast of individuals with intellectual disabilities at the Rose Wagner Theater in Salt Lake City.
How Does it Work?
The Utah Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (UPWSA), working with Tanner Dance at the University of Utah, has received funding from DSPD to recruit and train students or interns (anyone 18 or older that wants to help) and match them with DSPD families in need of respite workers. Now you get to be part of this amazing pilot project! The FREE training and matching program is taking place this Spring 2024, and then the interns will be available to work for you. We are now actively recruiting parents of those on the DSPD waiver who would like to be matched with interns to provide respite and supported living services. Follow these easy steps to sign up for the program!

Attend the online training!
You will receive an email inviting you to the training
Complete the hiring paperwork
The project facilitators will help you with this!

Get matched!
Based upon your preferences, you will be matched with an individual or individuals on the DSPD waiver to provide respite and supported living services for you. You will have final say as to which intern(s) you hire. We will help you complete hiring paperwork and help you train your intern on your child’s specific disability. Then your intern will be ready to begin providing services.
Schedule to start employment
Schedule times for your new intern to begin employment! While they help, go on dates with your spouse, get something done, have a fun outing with your other children, or take a nap!

You will report the hours your respite worker has worked to this project, complete some exit surveys, and we will report back to DSPD and the legislature that this project is a success!
More details here